During dinner, Leeanne (teacher/friend) was chatting to Jenni (principal/head teacher/school bus-driver, nurse, mom, etc/my hero) about the idea of taking Sibusisu (grade 9 student - very bright, especially in Math) to Stellenbosch University to check out the Engineering department there. His dream is to become an Engineer - the only problem is, the type of Math and Science he needs for the program is not currently offered at the school. I got excited and butted into the conversation, saying, "I'll teach it!!! Pick me! Pick me!" or something like that...
Well, the conversation did not end there. Jenni and Leeanne brought the idea up again yesterday - with the possibility of bringing in some of the other top grade 8 and 9 students who might be interested. Today I had a chat with Sibusisu, Sive (another incredibly bright 9th grader who wants to be a Chemical Engineer - YAY!!!), and 3 8th grade students, Lazola, Asanda, and Thandi, about the possibility of offering these classes - under the premise that they know what they're getting themselves into (a much tougher curriculum) and are up to the challenge. All students were incredibly at the possibility - especially Sibusisu and Sive, who are some of my most mature and dedicated students. It was great to see them get excited at something that requires more work, and a ton of maturity, but you could see in their faces that they understood and felt a great sense of privilege to have the opportunity.
I really feel like this is a teacher's dream come true if it all works out. I get to teach challenging subjects that I love to a small group of students that are committed to them, and WANT to learn! They are well aware of where they came from, and well aware of what these classes could mean for their futures.
Please pray that this works out.
There are a couple challenges that come along with this as well
1. I would have to prep some extra classes -which will take time, but under the circumstances, this is a privilege for me - some sort of nerdy, intellectually-stimulating pleasure
2. The real issue - courses here aren't just for one year or a semester like they are at home - if they choose to take Physical Science and the harder math, it is a choice that they will carry on through to graduation. They choose their courses and have to stick to them so that they can pass the national tests in order to graduate and get into universities. At the moment, I'm not planning to stay through to their graduation, so either another science teacher will have to come along, or they will have to take classes at another school for the last year or two.
One of the great things about this school is that we can be very specialized with our kids. They are coming from backgrounds that offered them very few options for the future. We have the opportunity to provide for them and to be creative in how we can make this happen. It's all very exciting.
These kids are incredibly bright, and deserve the chance to pursue what they want to. It is humbling to think that I truly have grown up, knowing that I could pursue whatever I wanted. I was given an amazing family with loving, supportive parents, a wonderful education, grew up in a beautiful location, and have been able to travel the world on unbelievable adventures. I have never been rich, and probably never will be, but I have still had so many opportunities available to me. I have been blessed beyond belief and am well aware that I am part of a very privileged minority.
Please pray that this works out and that the details that come up, and for the students who are taking this on (Sive and Sibusisu, probably Lazola, and possibly Thandi and Asanda - the last 2 are most likely going to pursue social work, and wouldn't need the physical science to get into those university programs).
Here is a picture of Sive, Me, and Thandi on Cultural Night (when the Rockharbor team was here). We don't always wear tribal face paint...
Steph.....I am sobbing with joy as I read this....you sound like a woman with true purpose, and I'm so overjoyed that God has given you vision & excitement for the future @ Bridges! So stoked for you!! And for Sibu & Sive...:). Can't wait to see you!
ReplyDeleteSteph - this is amazing. I just read this post and your post about the dam, and it seems that all of your teaching experience and education are playing out in an environment where you really get to make a difference. It stirs something in my heart! I love you, my incredible friend! Cannot wait to see you and hug you in a few weeks!!!!!